Friday, March 13, 2009

Lesson 33

Steps one and two. So far, so good. Simple shapes.

Step 3. Basic Shapes with some depth.

Step 4. Details

Overlay it for comparison.

I don't think it turned out terrible. Some things are off, but I just wish I got the eye's closer to the original, and the hair. The mouth I thought turned out terrible, but it was a lot closer than I thought.


James said...

the eyes seem way off.

PJS said...

the 3-dimensionality is pretty good

Mitch Leeuwe said...

The comparison is quite good. But there are allot subtle things that don't match the original. Like his lips. It's not just round.

James said...

I sent the to john k. a while back. He pretty much told me it was solid, which he liked, and that I should just do more of these studies. He also said something like how the little details seem easier to fall into place after a while. I did do a bunch of things from the blair book, and older cartoons since the blog kinda died out, should I try to dig 'em up, or just post newer studies?