Thursday, August 27, 2009

Meathead #15 and 16


Caleb said...

Looks good. Have you tried using red, blue and then black pencils as you go? Red and some blues are non-repro, so they disappear when copied.

Nicolas Martinez said...

I have used blue and red pencils for my much older lessons, but I felt like trying black pencil for size. Looking at it now, I'll probably go back to them.

James said...

These are perfect. Solid, organic, smooth, natural. They make sense. You should show these to John K. I think you'd have the chops for his new blog.

Nicolas Martinez said...

I'll probably do it later. I'm starting school again soon, and will be doing a lot more work like this, along with some personal work. When the time comes, I'll show my work to John for his consideration.

James said...

You have great line quality too, and with the solid construction, its amazing. How do you get the nice lines? Do you erase a lot, not at all, sometimes?

Nicolas Martinez said...

I try to use as little of the eraser as possible. But erasers are essential for fixing mistakes. Once you get the hang of the pencil, you wouldn't need to erase so much.

James said...

And also, how big are you drawing? Copies seem easier to me when they are bigger.

Nicolas Martinez said...

I draw fairly big.