Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lesson 15 by Patrick

dang, this one was tricky. Concentrating on negative shapes helped


Caleb said...

Your final looks great. The negative shapes look solid. I especially like the end of the trunk.

James said...

Nice. I did the bear one and fixed some things on the guy with the hat. I've got to post 'em. This one looked fun.

Ivan D said...

That looks excellent Patrick.

Gabriele_Gabba said...

Looks brilliant man!

I'm just really concerned that we're all being a bit too anal about this construction, John has been saying that doing the steps right is more important, effectively we should be concentrating on solid drawing and line of action.

Sorry i haven't been posting guys i've got a new job and i'm drawing none stop for it, i'll be back with some stuff when i can, but i'm still here to help and talk!

RuinedJoke68 said...

Great Job!

Nice ink as well.